Community Management

Social media is an effective tool to engage your target audience, drive website traffic and, ultimately, boost sales. Very few companies realize the importance of digital community management. Our Digi Community Management desk functions.

Social Listening

They say the Internet is the world’s largest focus group. We happen to agree. Social listening, coupled with our own DCR ( Digi Community Research ®), allows us to tap into what the digital world is thinking. This gives a better understanding of cultural trends, the competitive landscape and how consumers perceive your brand. With ongoing listening, we observe real-time changes in these key areas to quickly identify challenges and uncover new opportunities

Customized Digital Media Management

Last we checked, people don’t consume media in silos, which is exactly why we don’t plan in them. If a program is to be truly successful, there needs to be a shared narrative across all media. Paid, earned, owned—if they are going to work well, they need to work together. To make this happen, we apply Digi consumer insights with advanced audience targeting and groundbreaking attribution technology to ensure you reach the right people, with the right message, in the right place

Customized Digital Media Measurement


While some people cringe at the thought of analyzing data, we love it. Seriously. Our team of measurement and analytics experts are PhDs and statisticians that are always looking for new ways to turn data into opportunity – and, by opportunity, we mean ROI. We go way beyond traditional web analytics, providing detailed insight across all of your paid, earned and owned media to tell you what’s working, what’s not and how to improve

Influencer Marketing


Breaking through the noise and standing out online can be difficult. But as social influencers continue to grow in popularity, and word-of-mouth remains the most trusted form of marketing, we deliver effective influencer and earned media approaches to help our clients meet their business objectives. We recognized the power of influencer marketing long before influencers started making headlines. In fact, we coined the term DB® (Digital Buzz) when influencer outreach largely meant engaging bloggers only, we’ve spent time to make it a practice now

Customized Partnerships

Digi Global offers digital marketing and signage solutions that are customized to meet each client’s specific business needs. We avoid cookie-cutter approaches that force clients into operating models that may or may not be in their best business interests. Find out more

Social Media Crisis Management

In life, and in business, reputation is everything. That said, reputation is very fragile and it only takes one mistake to cause irreparable damage to your company’s image. This is especially true in the digital world where radical transparency and high customer expectations reign supreme. Ignoring strong public digital voices isn’t an option any more. Digi Global helps companies to learn to not only communicate effectively in the social media age, but to truly listen to the social chatter and respond in the way that align with both brand and customer expectations. Learn more

Contents Development & Seeding

At Digi Global, we believe that social media seeding is a key component of your content distribution strategy. That’s why we can help you post every piece of content you create or we produce on your behalf on your social networking profiles. After determining the ideal social networks to post to, well optimize your messaging to suit each individual social media platform, and include attractive, relevant imagery for high impact. Well also consider factors like timing and audience to ensure you content reaches the right users